Geskiedenis van die ontstaan van Laerskool Stulting
Die geskiedenis van onderwys op Humansdorp strek oor baie jare heen tot sover terug as 1851 toe mnr. Jan Gerritz Bantjes op 11 September 1851 aangestel is as die eerste skoolmeester (onderwyser) op Humansdorp. Die klasse is op die Welbedachtplaas gehou, die plaaseienaar was mnr. D.J. Louwrens. Lesse het ses ure per dag beslaan aan 12 kinders in Engels of Hollands.
Hereafter various private schools emerged in town. There was, however, no co-ordinated planning from the department to establish a public school here. By 1868 the church school was well developed but had to be re-founded to take advantage of a subsidy provided by the state. The Non Sectarian School in Humansdorp was then founded. The learner numbers grew but due to the annexation of the ZAR by Great Britain in 1877, many Dutch speaking children left the school for private tuition. By 1886 the numbers dwindled to such an extent that the school had to close down for a second time.
Teen 1894 word Die Humansdorpse Non-Sektariese Openbare Skool ge-open. In 1898 word die skool hernoem na die Milnerinstituut (Sub. A tot St. 7). Na die uitbreek van die Anglo-Boereoorlog (1899) verlaat Hollandsprekende leerders die skool. Ten tye van Uniewording (1910) het die leerdergetalle egter weer stelselmatig gegroei en word uitbreidings op die skoolperseel aangebring. Teen 1914 word die skool hernoem na Die Humansdorp Publieke Skool.
By 1938 the increase in learner numbers could no longer be accommodated by the Humansdorp Public School. Limitation to extensions of the buildings had also been reached. The founding of a new primary school (Sub A – Std. 4) in Humansdorp was approved by the Department of Education on 18 July 1938.
The original school building was built by the contractor, Mr F.W. Smith in 14 Voortrekker Street at a cost of £4510 13s. 7d (R 9 011). The school was officially opened on 23 January 1939 with 6 teachers and 186 learners (Gr. 7 were only included in 1953).

Mnr. J.P. Rossouw word as die eerste skoolhoof aangestel. Die eerste personeel was: mejj. D.C. Minnaar, A.M. Masterson, G. Swart, K. Snyman, M. Smit, A.W. Zietsman en mev. C.L. van der Colff.
Die eerste skoolkomitee vergadering word op 28 April 1939 gehou. Ds. C.H. Stulting (1870-1946) word as voorsitter verkies. Ds. Stulting het daardie jare diep spore getrap vir o.a. die behoud van Afrikaans as onderrig medium in skole. Die skoolkomitee lede was: Ds. J.D. Stulting, Dr. J.G. Steyn, mnr. B.A. Masterson en mnr. S.W. Matthee. Mnr. J.P. Rossouw – skoolhoof en sekretaris.
The committee decided to name the school after the chairman of the school committee, Rev. C.H. Stulting. The school would be known as Stulting Primary School.
Adjacent properties were already purchased in 1952 to make provision for various developments due to the growing number of learners. Sports grounds and tennis and netball courts were added to the school facilities over time.
Die Laerskool Stulting skoollied
In ons dorp pryk die Laerskool Stulting
In ons harte brand liefde en trots
“Dra die Lig!” dit is ons leuse
daarmee bou ons op ‘n rots.
Aan ons kennis en die liefde vir wat mooi is, nuttig waar,
Dit vervul ons met besieling, hoog te mik, hard te werk, tot klaar.
Laerskool Stulting ons sal trou wees,
heel ons lewe ‘n gesonde gees.
Laerskool Stulting ons sal trou wees,
heel ons lewe ‘n gesonde gees
Trots dra ons ons skool se kleure,
een van sin en hart en deug!
Trots dra ons ons skool se kleure,
een van sin en hart en deug!
Woorde deur Mnr. J.J Kritzinger, Skoolhoof 1959-1961
Musiek deur Dirkie de Villiers, U.O.F.S.
The School Badge
Heraldic Description:
“In gold, a black pole with a golden torch, red flame, accompanied on the left and right with two black points pointing inwards from the badge edge, and a red badge chief accompanied by three hexagonal gold stars.” – Dr. D. Pama (Buro of Heraldry)
Badge Motto:
Lucem Profer – In Latin meaning Carry the Light!
Meaning / symbolism of the badge:
Black pole …
The pole represents your path of life, the dreams and ideals people cherish. Also the road God already chose for you. The pole thus represents a goal-orientated life. We stay on course no matter what life brings.
Torch …
The torch represents man’s soul / life. We have to radiate the message of Christianity. We have to be the light (knowledge) in the world we live in.
Two black points …
The two points represent the unpredictable nature of life. Our life’s journey is not always uncomplicated and easy. These points represent the challenges experienced on our path of life.
Red badge chief with 3 stars …
Red represents the blood of Jesus which flowed for each of us. The stars represent the Holy trinity. The shield chief is that which each individual should strive for in their lives – the eternal life.