Akademies | Academics


By Laerskool Stulting glo ons in die holistiese ontwikkeling van die kind en die daarstelling van ‘n gebalanseerde individu. Akademie vorm ‘n integrale deel van hierdie holistiese benadering van ons tot opvoeding.

Nasionale kurrikulum

By Laerskool Stulting word die amptelike kurrikulum van die Nasionale Onderwysdepartement, Die Kurrikulum Assesserings Verklaring (KAV’s) Graad R-12, gevolg


At Stulting Primary School  we believe in the holistic development of the child and the bringing about of a balanced individual. Academics form an integral part of this holistic approach to education. 

National Curiculum 

At Stulting Primary School we follow the official curriculum prescribed by the National Department of Education, the Curriculum Assessment and Policy Statement (CAPS) Grades R-12.

School subjects and Examinations 

All learners from Gr. 4-7 write internal examinations during June and November. Examinations are written in the following subjects as follows:

Alle leerders van Gr. 4-7 skryf in Junie en November interne eksamens. Eksamen word slegs in die volgende vakke soos volg geskryf:

Gr 4-6



Gr 7



Home language / Huistaal

Home language / Huistaal

Eerste Addisionele Taal / First Additional Language

Eerste Addisionele Taal / First Additional Language

Mathematics / Wiskunde

Mathematics / Wiskunde

Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie /

Natural Science and Technology

Natural Science / Natuurwetenskap

Tegnologie / Technology

Social Sciences / Sosiale Wetenskappe

Social Sciences / Sosiale Wetenskappe

Lewensvaardighede / Life Orientation

Lewensvaardighede / Life Orientation


Creative Arts / Skeppende Kunste